Für die Version 500 unserer E-Mail Lösung xtMail Suite für SAP steht nun das Support Package 08 mit vielen neuen Funktionen und Korrekturen bereit.
New Features:
- Attachments from the "Direct upload" function can now also be stored using a document type. This way attachments are visible in the Generic Object Services after upload, and they can be stored in an external archive server instead of table /conlutio/msattu. A migration report to move old attachments from this table to the archive is coming soon.
- Direct upload function can now be limited to specified file types
- xtMail Suite can now be used for new FI BTEs:
- 2310 Correspondence / Periodic Account Statement
- 2410 Customer Balance Confirmation
- Additional Reply-To Address can be set now
- Enduser languages are fully re-translated for the following languages: German (DE), Englisch (EN), French (FR), Italian (IT), Spanish (ES), Simplified Chinese (ZH), Slovakian (SK)
- Signatures with text-symbols to replace user information, is now working when sender-address is set from BADI method
- Improvements in handling legacy data after switching from old customizing to sending profiles.
- Fixed a bug causing corrupted files in some rare situations
- Fixed an issue when double clicking in attachment list opened the wrong attachment
- Fixed a problem when trying to maintain mail data while creating a new document in SD
- Fixed a short dump when a print program tried to send an email for the same NAST record more the once (e.g. output type with "Copies" Parameter > 1).
- Fixed a problem when calling the print preview in MM documents, which could cause a short dump.
- If only one recipient exists, the email address of the recipient is displayed directly in the sending log again.